
Showing posts from March, 2020

Power of Subconscious Mind

The Subconscious Mind is the body's most powerful source that allows us to do almost everything more effectively than our brain works. From food to air breathing, from digestion to memory making, the subconscious mind plays a far-reaching role that you would ever imagine. When we pursue a goal, the way we put ourselves is the most important thing. Whether it is an employee who is trying to complete his project or a couple collecting money to buy his first home, or an athlete who is preparing the strategy to win his team's match, we all think about it and communicate with each other without realized it. The main thing here is that being present physically and mentally is crucial in order to achieve whatever purpose you have in your mind. You can't succeed with the many thoughts in your mind. No matter how much you exercise your body, but if you don't care for your mind, you can't achieve your full potential. And if you're not in full swing, you're no

Corona-Virus and Unconscious Mind

In challenging times like this, it can be useful to ask ourselves what is happening in our collective unconsciousness. What are our attitudes to an incident like the Corona-virus outbreak telling us about our culture and the world in which we live? There is no uncertainty that the Corona-virus is a significant epidemiological threat that calls for our attention and our thorough reaction to avoid further spread. And I can not help but wonder if the emphasis on the pandemic–which is at the cost of many other risks, including climate change and the increasing degradation of our environment –just reinforces the fervor we do not want to tackle those very dangerous environmental challenges. The threats we face are much more serious. A threat to a person is much easier to understand than a threat to the very survival of our species (as well as many other species). In this way, Corona-virus is a smokescreen–just like other developments in recent history, such as the election of a highl

How to Use the Power of Subconscious Mind for Success

We all realize we have a subconscious mind inside of us. This Subconscious Mind is very Powerful , it can be spent too; worse still, it can kill anything by much of its power. The most important thing you need to know is that it's still proprietary, that is to say, it's active day and night. And what do you know? The subconscious mind has the power to control your entire body. The subconscious mind will guide you on your career path into a larger space where you will be able to accomplish anything you want, but the matter is that you need to take care of your sub consciousness. Pick something you love to do! Like choose your favorite game if you're good at sports, for example; Or you have some other kinds of expertise, such as drawing, writing, or any other extracurricular practice, opt for your area of interest and go on in it without fear of lagging behind! Your subconscious mind is a mighty force to be counted on. This accounts for around 95 percent of your

Important Characteristics of The Subconscious Mind

The more you understand about the subconscious mind, the better you understand yourself. Here are some important features of your subconscious mind, which will help you understand them.     The subconscious mind thinks in the form of images      Your subconscious mind saves all your memories and experiences as images and symbols. This is why all we see is pictures and images during dreams (which are only the thoughts of the subconscious mind). 2        It’s always active:         The conscious and the subconscious mind are always working during the day, although the latter works background. As you sleep, you are momentarily switched off the conscious mind, and the operation of the subconscious mind is reflected in dreams. At the same time, you also alert your subconscious mind to all external stimuli like the sound of an alarm clock. 3         It communicates with you via emotions The language of the subconscious mind is emotions. When you're awake,

Importance of Subconscious Mind

The Subconscious Mind is the most powerful tool a man or a woman could use. It functions like a huge secret memory and does not formulate any arguments. It is completely objective and it can’t express any point of view. Our subconscious mind is at the core of every action and reaction we do. You cannot see another movie when you play the DVD, when you purchase a DVD with a movie, except what the disk contains. Likewise, your subconscious mind writes what your reality is or will be. You can't be any other way. You cannot imagine that you are rich and poor in your subconscious. You can't believe you're rich and poor. You can't think you're overweight and healthy. You can't think you're fit and fat. You can configure your subconscious in any way that you see fit. It's the only way you can change your life. You just did so, whether intentionally or not. You have changed your subconscious mind every time you make changes in your life. Without f

What is the Unconscious of mind?

The Unconscious Mind is an immediate warehouse, the source of stored memory, insight, fantasy and dreams, and an information processing engine. Freud was the first to realize the unconscious' importance. However, his view that the unconscious mind is above all a dark reservoir of sexual drives and unreasonable impulses has given way to a more contemporary understanding. It is now recognized, for example, that many judgments and decisions by the unconscious mind are taken automatically. Although what is in the unconscious is hard to measure, scientists know that even fleeting perceptions, which can be too quick to record consciousness, are permanently influenced by the unconscious mind. Consciousness requires attention. In the absence of direct attention, information may be recorded. The behavioral and cognitive-conscious traditions historically in psychology did not emphasize unconscious processes that is when they did not disclose their existence or consider them irrele

What is the Subconscious of mind?

The Subconscious Mind stores all your past life experiences, beliefs, memories, skills, all your situations and all the images you have ever seen. The best way to understand the subconscious mind is for someone who is interested in learning how to drive a car. At the beginning, he couldn't talk to anyone while driving as he concentrated on the various movements involved. This is because he still drives his conscious mind. Few weeks later, driving becomes a natural habit, which occurs automatically without thinking about it. He could even begin to use his cell phone or talk to his friends while driving. This is because the driving habits are transferred to his subconscious mind, and therefore the conscious mind becomes free. This enabled him to speak on his cell phone. The subconscious mind is responsible for the thoughts and feelings automatically triggered that you encounter in a new situation. If you were to give a talk, all the feelings of fear and anxiety that you mig

What is the Conscious of mind?

Conscious Mind consists of all within our conscious awareness. This is the dimension of our mental processing, which we can rationally think and talk about. In our awareness, the conscious mind comprises sensations, perceptions, memories, feelings, and fantasies. The pre-conscious is closely linked to the conscious mind, comprising things that we don't think of at the moment but which we can easily attract into consciousness. The conscious mind comprises just 10% of the total brain power and is simply what you are aware of and what you focused on. We can only keep seven items in short-term memory at any given time. Thus, the conscious mind can only ever process up to 9 items at any time. When the person sleeps, the conscious mind sleeps, it is more logical and focuses on activities to the left of the brain for most. When you ask most people to decide what the conscious mind does, you will receive different responses. Many people say what separates it from the subconscien