Importance of Subconscious Mind

The Subconscious Mind is the most powerful tool a man or a woman could use. It functions like a huge secret memory and does not formulate any arguments. It is completely objective and it can’t express any point of view. Our subconscious mind is at the core of every action and reaction we do.

You cannot see another movie when you play the DVD, when you purchase a DVD with a movie, except what the disk contains. Likewise, your subconscious mind writes what your reality is or will be. You can't be any other way. You cannot imagine that you are rich and poor in your subconscious. You can't believe you're rich and poor. You can't think you're overweight and healthy. You can't think you're fit and fat.

You can configure your subconscious in any way that you see fit. It's the only way you can change your life. You just did so, whether intentionally or not. You have changed your subconscious mind every time you make changes in your life. Without first altering the mind, change is impossible.

You see, life is possible through the subconscious. It's responsible for your heartbeats, your breathing, your body healing, and digestion. And all this is done without you knowing about it. It is genetically programmed to do so without evidence to support your claim. It produces your experience in the same way, without effort on your part. That might sound like something new-age to you so let me explain it further.

Remember when you wanted to something and because you just couldn't do it, it was stressful? You tried and tried, but you did not. Something has always seemed to stop you. Stress here is the key word. You know this tension, this sense of impossibility. This is when your subconscious believes something and you want to do something consciously that does not correspond with your subconscious conviction.
Think about the stuff you do now seamlessly, but it seemed hard to do at some point in your life, but now it's natural and easy!

 Two simple examples: cycling, driving a car. When your subconscious was programmed and it took over, it became EASY. It works for everything else in the same way.
The conscious does the scripting, the subconscious runs the programs well. Each part of the mind has a particular purpose. You'll know how to do, have, and be anything you want to configure your subconscious. Think about things that you couldn't do if you lost your arm or leg or your finger, ear or eye. It would limit your options, but you could lead a quite ordinary life.

Speak about losing your brain now. After that, what could you do? Please think about it, without a brain, what else could you do? Picture a brainless man, is dead. Without a brain, nothing can be done, because the brain commands it all.

When you tell people that muscle building needs preparation, they accept that it is real, they understand. But when you say that you have a successful life. We don't so easily agree in each area (finances, friends, intimate relationships, jobs, etc.) that they need to understand, train and manage the mind. Few accept it completely, most of them accept part of it, and some of them don't care. Isn't that weird now? Some will say that you must be fortunate, you must be clever, you must know people, but the truth is that it is ALL depending on the mind, because it causes you to do things, makes you to see, say things, go to places, and meet people. It does everything.


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