What is the Subconscious of mind?

The Subconscious Mind stores all your past life experiences, beliefs, memories, skills, all your situations and all the images you have ever seen. The best way to understand the subconscious mind is for someone who is interested in learning how to drive a car. At the beginning, he couldn't talk to anyone while driving as he concentrated on the various movements involved. This is because he still drives his conscious mind. Few weeks later, driving becomes a natural habit, which occurs automatically without thinking about it. He could even begin to use his cell phone or talk to his friends while driving.

This is because the driving habits are transferred to his subconscious mind, and therefore the conscious mind becomes free. This enabled him to speak on his cell phone. The subconscious mind is responsible for the thoughts and feelings automatically triggered that you encounter in a new situation. If you were to give a talk, all the feelings of fear and anxiety that you might encounter are actually initiated and guided by your subconscious mind.

On the other hand, the conscious mind is responsible for logic, calculations and all actions carried out during your consciousness. The subconscious mind also regulates other processes such as ventilation and heart beats in your body. The mechanism of breathing is another good example that can help you better understand the subconscious mind. The breathing was controlled by the subconscious until you started reading the previous line. Now I want you to try and control for one minute your breathing. You can do that, of course. This time, it was the conscious mind that dominated your body, but if you let your subconscious mind go, it will take over again.

Your subconscious mind is like an enormous bank of memory. It has virtually unlimited capacity. It store everything that ever happens to you permanently. By the time you reach the age of 21, you have read the contents of the whole Encyclopedia Britannica more than 100 times. Under hypnosis, older people often remember events from fifty years before, with complete clarity. Your unconscious memory is almost perfect. Your conscious remembrance is suspicious.

Your subconscious mind function is to store and collect data. It is your job to ensure that you respond exactly as planned. Your subconscious mind makes everything that you say fit into your self-concept pattern. It's your Master Program.


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