Important Characteristics of The Subconscious Mind

The more you understand about the subconscious mind, the better you understand yourself. Here are some important features of your subconscious mind, which will help you understand them.

  1.    The subconscious mind thinks in the form of images

     Your subconscious mind saves all your memories and experiences as images and symbols. This is why all we see is pictures and images during dreams (which are only the thoughts of the subconscious mind).
  1. 2      It’s always active:

        The conscious and the subconscious mind are always working during the day, although the latter works background. As you sleep, you are momentarily switched off the conscious mind, and the operation of the subconscious mind is reflected in dreams. At the same time, you also alert your subconscious mind to all external stimuli like the sound of an alarm clock.
  1. 3        It communicates with you via emotions

The language of the subconscious mind is emotions. When you're awake, you will consciously notice the emotional changes you are experiencing and thus understand what you are told by the subconscious mind. But if you sleep and your conscious mind is not active, you lose this skill and the unconscious mind is obliged to transmit its messages (emotions) through dreams to you.
  1. 4        It controls your bodily functions

       Your body and metabolism functions like breathing, digestion, blood circulation, etc. are all controlled by a subconscious mind, so you do not have to worry about them consciously. Right now, I want you to focus on your breathing. When you started reading this post, you breathed, but you've been reading this post consciously. Your subconscious mind controlled your breathing.

At present, as I told you to pay attention to your breathing, you are breathing consciously. As soon as you turn your attention back to the rest of this post, your unconscious mind will take over breathing again.
  1. 5        Every image is real to the subconscious mind

         Anything you see, in real life or on a computer is real to the subconscious mind. If, at night, you see a dream in your bed, you will undoubtedly be frightened. But you'll also be scared if you just think of a ghost, look at it in a movie or watch it at a nightmare.
  1. 6        It cannot process negative words

If I tell you, don’t worry about a white elephant, what do you do? You think of a white elephant, of course. His image blows through your mind, even for a millisecond. The subconscious mind is not processing negative commands like don't.
  1. 7        It ensures your survival and maintains your well-being

Your subconscious mind is like a friend or mentor who wants to keep you healthy and happy not only to ensure your survival. Almost all the emotions are designed to protect you against danger (perceived or actual) or to lead you to happiness and well-being.
  1. 8        It controls your habits

Habits govern most of our everyday activity. Habits are nothing but patterns of conduct stored in our subconscious mind. 


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