Steps To Unlock The Subconscious Of Mind


The subconscious mind is a strong secondary system that is involved in every aspect of your life. To encourage communication between the alert and the inattentive minds is a key tool to achieve success and happiness. The subconscious mind is a record folder for everything that is not in your conscious mind. It preserves your beliefs, former experiences, memories and skills.

Everything that you conceive through eyes, perform, or think about is stored there. It is also your navigation system.. It constantly monitors sensory input regarding hazards and opportunities from the senses. Then the information that you require is passed on to their conscious mind.

The communication of the subconscious with the conscious mind is two-way. Each time you have an idea, an emotion, a memory, or an image of the past, this is the unconscious mind that communicates to your conscious mind. The communication is not so insignificant on the other hand and is achieved by self-suggestion. It is difficult to transfer your conscious mind's thoughts to the subconscious because they should be done with emotions. Only the thoughts that are transmitted to the back of your mind with genuine emotions. And there only remain the thoughts supported by a strong emotion.

Sadly, both negative and positive emotions are true. Sadly, negative emotions are generally stronger than positive ones. Either you thought it would be too hard, or you just couldn't have access to that information. But the truth is: you've got access! You just need to know how to do that. And the cool part is that, as long as you want to be honest with yourself, it's not really so difficult.

Your subconscious mind always gives you signals. Here are some instances that you may have had:

A visceral response to certain individuals:

You may encounter someone and be drawn or repelled by them instantly. Your subconscious mind can remember a person from past lives or respond to what it sees in its energy field or aura.

Decisions that make you unsettled:

You may be drawn to a specific profession or avoid certain situations if you are aware of the results. Consider relationships that have gone badly, such as break-ups or bad deals. You have all the knowledge you needed to finish it within the first hours of the meeting or undertaking. It happened because you were completely honest and open to all the intuitive signals you got.

Behaviors of self-sabotage:

These are the annoying little things that you do or say that counteract your aims and wishes. You may say you want stability, but your unconscious mind has unresolved doubts that overwhelm all your efforts.

Pain and other indicators for physics:

Pain, chronic colds and other health problems are often the last things that the subconscious mind wants to do to get your attention. When we disregard the more subtle signals, our subconscious needs to become louder and louder, and louder. This eventually leads to chronic pain and disease.

These are some following behaviors and their counter you need to understand first in order to unlock your subconscious of mind.

    1. Fear and Negative self-talk:

Your first step in harnessing the power of the unconscious mind is to remove the negative emotional thoughts. You must avoid negative self-talk or at least make sure it is not full of emotions. Your fears often come true, particularly if you are very emotional. And that is why negative self-talk may have such harmful effects. Removing or countering these negative thoughts as quickly as possible is an important step towards success.

Negative self-talk Counters:

The counter technique is one of the best practices for reducing negative self-talk. Each time you think of a negative thought, you counter the extremely positive counter-thought. For example, when you have an important presentation and think of yourself, I would embarrass myself before all these people. Immediately counter it with a NO! and believe that I shall be so good that for five minutes, the audience will applaud me. The truth is often somewhere in the middle. One powerful tool is the delete button to overcome negative self-talk. When a negative idea crosses your mind, you click the delete button and imagine the destruction of the thought written on a piece of paper. Also you can imagine in your mind that with your fist, you are crushing the negative thought.

    2. Burning Desire:

The subconscious mind will also function on the thoughts of desire. Strengthened by desire, your subconscious mind will do everything to achieve the object of desire. It would also open to the conscious mind all mesh nodes to inform them about how to do so. You will be successful if your aim becomes the consuming obsession of your life and you are desirous of seeing it come to enlightenment. If your unconscious mind is committed to the mission backed by this strong emotion, then it will allow you to see the opportunities in life that will lead to your target. The best athletes only become the best because they want to be number one. There's nothing else they want, except that. It is their life's overriding vision.

Burning Desire Counter:

Try and define your purpose. Make it as concrete as possible. Make it as realistic as you can. Write it somewhere and feel it. Destroy any healthy vessels you can hold for something to go wrong. The mind has evolved to help us to survive every situation and to get incredible results. You put your mind in survival mode by brushing bridges; the only way left is a long way forward, towards the goal.

Another enlightening instrument is to fill your life with small achievements (that will lead you towards the goal). If you want to lose X kg of weight, look up the graph of your success so far

every day. It's going down, even if there are small bumps. Place a screen of someone with the perfect weight on your desk and look every day. Finally, figure out what energizes you to strive for and use your target. You might have been

inspired by positive people. Or an inspiring video. Or even a strong tune. Make sure you have a burning desire to achieve your goal every day! Behind the scenes, your subconscious mind is being bombarded with thoughts about your goals. Which are then intensified by the burning desires. Faith, love, and sex are powerful and optimistic emotions. The first two are metaphysical, and the second is biological. When they are all present, they empower every thinking, and they can freely enter the subconscious mind. Faith is a state of mind that can be produced through confirmation or by repeated guidance to the subconscious mind. It occurs through the concept of self-suggestion. It is a mental condition.

Faith is different from hope because we are confident of the consequence when we have hope. And if we hope, we are proposing a possible scenario for you in uncertain circumstances. The next step towards your goal is to make it visual. It depends on trust in the test. Not that the desired result is right, but that it is already true. One of the most powerful techniques is to visualize your life when your wish is satisfied. Take a few minutes a day away to close your eyes and imagine your life after you reach your goal. We are already aware of the knowledge your unconscious mind produces. It then filters and decides what should transfer to the conscious mind. The difference between these two results is called a perception threshold. It is the difference between finding and missing a chance. It's the only place in which you put your subconscious mind and the many tasks you gave it. If you have a vision, if you have guided it with passion and trust the result, then you start to notice the opportunities to achieve the dream. All the rest is filtered out, discarded, and stored in your memories. In the future, you gain access to it only if you have other ambitions, but it is actually beyond the control of the conscious mind.

   3. Auto suggestion

Through five senses, humans have complete control over information entering their subconscious mind. That does not assume, yet, that everybody exercises this power. Further, the average person does not exercise this control in the majority of cases. That is why so many people live in poverty. The way of introducing thinking into the subconscious mind is called self-suggestion. It includes all self-administered stimuli that reach the brain through the sensations. The prevailing thoughts in the conscious mind (negative or positive) make their way and affect the subconscious mind. Thinking prevails if a strong emotion (faith, fear, love, etc.) empowers it.

Auto Suggestion Counter:

You have before received guidelines to set your life's definite goal. Now please ensure that this aim is written down and reinforced with the desire to achieve it. Listen aloud to your target after waking up, before going to sleep, several times a day. Try to imagine yourself, already in your possession. See and feel the ambition in your control. When you read, mix feelings and say your goals aloud. Be faithful to the result.

Note, there is a price to be paid so that the subconscious mind can control. This quality is known as longevity. You will continue to take steps towards self-suggestion, repeat your objectives aloud and continue to have faith in the result.

Reverse metaphor comprises six stages, much like the experience of a waking dream:

Step 1: Decide which question or issue you want to solve. Then sit in quiet meditation for a moment while the subconscious mind processes your request. It can help tape-record your story or work a journal to write it.

Step 2: Set the scene. Start by choosing whether your story starts inside or outside. Imagine your surroundings or let the images of your surroundings come to your mind. If any memory of your past presents itself, start and let it be a "build trust" story.

Step 3: Explore and find answers. Ask yourself: "What am I doing here?" Just keep creating a story through various activities. Pay attention to what appears.

Step 4: Write it all down. When the story is complete, go over every detail, one at a time. You may also be able to extend the storyline at this point. And this is very encouraging!

Step 5: Analyze and explain. For each description of the story, ask yourself: "If it represents something in my life, what would it be?" For example, you can see that you are walking on a narrow dirt path with tall trees on each side. In the analysis, you can say that you are not choosing a career path that many others have not followed. And you feel that you have efficient and stable advisors who give you protection at every step. We do. Continue the analysis with every detail.

Step 6: Finish. Look at the story as a whole and ask yourself: "What have I learned from this metaphor? What message did my subconscious mind want to reveal? "


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